RDF – Sementic Web

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It is Resource Description Framework. Its main purpose is to identify the subject (resource), predicate / verb (relation, action etc.) and object (another resource) in any sentence. RDF designed so that machines /systems can understand the web html / data. RDF is not meant to show on web front end.

The RDP – semantic web aiming that every resource have unique resource ID (just like primary key in databases). With the help of this unique resource ID we can identify persons, people, things and so soon in html documents, html pages, websites and web applications. One suggestion is to use URI (URL) as every domain name is unique so every person will have unique (and only one) URI just like (passport, IBAN, driving license number). So this unique ID (URI) will be used in RDP in subjects / objects where where that specific person / thing will be addressed. Similarly office, business, places and so on can have respective unique Ids. This will make us to distinguish when some one search on google / search engine regarding for instance Clifton Hotel. So there could be many hotels with this name in world. But unique URI will helps us distinguish all of these. We if I am interested in Clifton hotel of Paris then I could search more details only of this specific hotel using RDP technology. If RDF not used here, then I won’t be able to search for specific Clifton hotel of Paris as otherwise search engines can’t identify and distinguish among many Clifton hotels. So RDF give the meaning and semantics to our html page which otherwise is merely a text. In simple words semantic web is converting the web – html pages into records where each has unique Id.
RDF can be separately maintained for every web site / or RDF a which embeds within html page using html tags.

In RDF we created relations and actions among resources (subjects / objects). These relations create complex sets and ultimately result in tree structure.
RDF Use Case.

The Book ‘Natural Language Processing with Python” is written by Edward LoperSteven BirdEwan Klein

To convert the above sentence. First we will identify the subject, relation and objects. To identify relation we have different RDF vocabularies build in XML. These vocabularies help the machine to inferred results and logic among different sentences.

Book (resource) (rdf:http://www.thebook123/natural-language-processing-with-python) -> rdf:hasTitle (relation) -> “Natural Language Processing with Python”

rdf:http://www.thebook123/natural-language-processing-with-python -> rdf:author -> Here the persons unique Id which will have their separate RDF for personal details (rdf:person about = “xyz”)

RDF stands for Resource Description Framework and is the main standard enabling the “Semantic Web” aka Linked Data or the “Web of Data”.

If HTML is designed so that information and content is presented to human beings through a Web Browser, RDF is designed so that data is presented and possibly understood by machines.

In essence, RDF is an Information Model, much like the Relational Database Model. In fact one could say that RDF is a Relational “Triple” Model as you will see below.

RDF is rooted in several forms of knowledge representation that have been researched in the field of Artificial Intelligence, such as the Entity Attribute Value (EAV), Semantic Networks and Frames. RDF and most of those models represent information as a collection of Facts which tacitly forms a Graph or network of nodes connected with arcs. That is, RDF is very good for highly connected data e.g. the representation of social networks.

The basic building block or atom of information in RDF is called a Triple or Statement and represents a fact about a Resource.

The triple has the following form:
{Subject, Predicate, Object}.

Resources are represented by Resource Identifiers (IRIs, URIs, URLs) e.g. “<http://myself.com>” or Anonymous Identifiers e.g. “_:23452435”. According to the standard the Subject and Predicate fields can only be of type Resource. The Object field however can also be a Literal (plain or typed using the XML Schema Datatypes)

{<http://me.com#Ale>, <http://myvocab.com#name>, “Alejandro”},
{<http://me.com#Ale>, <http://myvocab.com#age>, “42”^^http://http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#integer}

Contrary to what most people think, RDF is not a data serialisation method and it is not a flavour of XML (neither one of HTML). The confusion comes from the fact that RDF can be serialised using such mechanisms, including XML and JSON.

Now, considering you question I would say that RDF is absolutely the right approach to merge data from multiple sources. In fact most RDF store implementations extend the standard with a fourth field which contains an URI ( IRI) denoting the Graph Name. The resulting Quad {Subject, Predicate, Object, Graph} allows the construction of multi-graph data representations.

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