Five Best Foods For Healthy Hairs

Five Best Foods For Healthy Hairs

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Diet plays vital role in nourishing your scalp. There is no natural way to change your follicles; the sole way is to eat such foods that have a healthy effect on hair growth and strength.

In our analysis, we are presenting five such foods to make your hair strong and healthy.

1. Eggs

Eggs contain protein and biotin in abundant amounts. Protein deficiency can result in hair loss as hair are made up of keratin, a structural protein. Biotin deficiency causes hair thinning and hair loss.
Eggs also contain compounds like Vit. D, L-lysine and a few minerals, which will boost hair growth.

2. Fatty Fish

Omega-3 fatty acids are present in salmon, a type of fatty fish, in higher amounts. These fatty acids are directly linked to hair growth and strengthening. Salmon also contain biotin; Vitamin D3 and selenium that provides your hair shine and promote the growth.

3. Spinach

Spinach is a dark green leafy vegetable that is stuffed with essential nutrients like biotin, vitamin A, C and E, and folate. Vitamin A promotes sebum production that will help in moisturizing your scalp.
Folate or iron helps in supplying oxygen to hair follicles thus improving hair growth.

4. Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes contain beta-carotene in high amounts. This compound converts to Vitamin A in the body thus making your hair strong and healthy.
A medium sweet potato is enough to provide more than four times of your daily vitamin A needs.

5. Yogurt

Yogurt is packed with not only protein but also rich in probiotics. It also contain pantothenic acid, also called Vitamin B5, that make your hair strong and helps against hair thinning problems. It also helps in increasing blood flow to the scalp thus improving hair growth.

Image Source: Pexels

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